Friday, July 17, 2009

Infrared Health Screening

Since the outbreak of SARS/Bird Flu and more recently, the H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic threat, health care providers and public officials have been using infrared (IR) non contact temperature measurement to scan large numbers of people at public areas for elevated temperatures that can result from a virus infection. People who register higher temperatures than normal can then be isolated for further evaluation to help prevent the spread of disease.

These systems can be used at:
- Airports, seaports, bus and train stations
- Hospitals and schools
- Factories and business buildings
- Stadium events and conventions
- Other public gathering areas

Benefits of infrared non contact temperature measurement:
- Non contact, so there is less chance of spreading infection or disease
- Temperature readings are immediate, so large groups of people can be screened quickly
- Infrared temperature measurement is completely safe and innocuous, so there is no risk to public safety
- Individuals can be moving, so travel is not delayed

Fluke Thermal Imagers monitor passengers for swine flu in Mexico City Airport. Click for Video

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